PR - Public Relations

How to create positive publicity without traditional advertising.

PR (Public Relations) is called public relations in German, although literally translated it should actually mean public relations. In short, PR describes all communication processes between a company and the public.


Public relations is often defined as part of organisational communication. With PR work, companies and organisations try to influence or control public perception in the sense of their own interests. Typical communication channels of PR are press releases, radio spots, high-profile events and all forms of action that provide "publicity". PR basically addresses all persons (stakeholders) who have a relationship with an organisation, such as customers, members, shareholders, media representatives, competitors, critics, etc.. In the case of companies, their own employees can also be the focus of PR measures.


While classical advertising usually aims to motivate consumers to make a concrete, immediate (purchase) decision, PR tends to pursue a medium- and long-term goal: it should positively change the image or reputation or identity of a company in the perception of others.  

If an organisation or a company succeeds particularly effectively with a PR measure in increasing its own image values and/or awareness, it is called a PR coup. The opposite case, i.e. an action or public measure has a lasting negative effect on the perception of the company (and possibly also on the behaviour of customers), is commonly called a PR disaster.  

WHY COMPANIES NEED A PR STRATEGYWarum Unternehmen eine PR-Strategie brauchen 

It is always advisable to control one's own image oneself than to let it be shaped by external circumstances. Therefore, a long-term, strategic and substantive mission statement for the entire organisation must be designed and implemented. What visions does my company pursue? How should it be perceived? Which target groups do I want to reach? This is a sensitive process that requires not only sophisticated communication management but also the involvement of PR specialists. 

Do you need help with your PR work? 

Contact us at any time. We will help you with all your questions.

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